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Igniting Your Writing Weekend Schedule

(Schedule Subject to Change)


4:00PM – Overnight guests may check in at the Carriage House Front Desk

5:00PM – Welcome Reception with Beverages – Big Horn Upper Meeting Room

6:00 PM Dinner in the Castle Dining Room

7:15 – 8:45PM – Session 1 in Castle Great Hall – “Why and What” Every person (writer or not) is a reflection of God. The weekend journey begins with a rich exploration of who God is, your relationship with him, and the words you use in conversation with your audience of One.


8:00-9:00AM Breakfast – Castle Dining Room

9:00AM – 10:15AM – Session 2 in Castle Great Hall –“Who” We have an incredible (if not supernatural) capacity to influence others. Whom are you willing to sacrifice for? Why do you want to serve them? How can your writing, book, and, most importantly, your story inspire, guide, mobilize or otherwise aid them?

10:15 – 11:00AM Break

11:00AM – 12:00PM – Session 3 in Castle Great Hall -– “How” Good writing is a joy to read and reread; lousy writing is (fill in your favorite word that makes your grandmother angry). The craft of writing is both an art and a science. Together we will scrutinize what makes good writing move the heart and not just fill a page.

12:00PM Lunch in Castle Dining Room

12:00 – 6:00PM – Optional Afternoon Workshops/Free Time 

6:00 – 7:00PM Dinner – Castle Dining Room

7:15PM-8:45 PM Session 4 in Castle Great Hall -“Wonder” Storytelling is as old as the Bible itself, and every good story needs a storyteller. What story are you living? What story are you telling? How will you use your words and your book to tell a story to your reader?


8:00-9:00AM Breakfast – Castle Dining Room

9:00-10:15AM Session 5 in Castle Great Hall –“When” Writers write. Editors edit. Designers design. Publishers publish. Printers print. Really, it is that simple. But the process is far more complicated than you might imagine.  Here, you will gain in-depth knowledge of the publishing industry.

10:15 – 11:00AM Break

All overnight guests must be checked out of their lodging rooms by 11:00am. Please check out before arriving at the last session (you may leave keys in room)

11:00AM- 12:00PM – Session 6 in Castle Great Hall -“Whatever” You are responsible for stewarding the message that God is sharing to you and through you. As an author, you are also responsible for translating that message into a great reading experience for your audience.

12:00PM – Lunch – Castle Dining Room

Dismissal (You are welcome to remain on the property until 5:00pm)
