
Glen Eyrie is undertaking a multi-year upgrade to the Castle to improve our guest experience. Learn more.

THINK Weekend Schedule


4:00 PM Check-in for overnight guests begins

5:30-6:00 PM  Welcome & Speaker introductions; Apologetics Testimony—[Dace Starkweather]

6:00-7:00 PM  DINNER for all guests—[Castle Dining Room]

7:00-8:00 PM  A Play on Words: Why words matter & how language and even grammar point us to God—[Darrell Dooyema]

8:00-9:00 PM That’s Just Wrong! How Christianity Provides the Resources for Moral Obligation (and why it matters)—[Dylan Musser]



7:30-8:45 AM  Breakfast for Overnight Guests—[Castle Dining Room]

9:00-9:50 AM  Is the Bible Reliable? Archaeology, Word History & the Scribal Process—[Dace Starkweather]

9:50-10:00 AM  BREAK

10:00-10:50 AM  The Power of the Christian Worldview in the Making of Western Civilization [Chris Green]

11:00-11:50 AM  Why Would a Good God Allow Suffering? [Tony Kollias]

12:00-1:00 PM  LUNCH for all Guests—[Castle Dining Room]

1:00-6:00 PM  Free Time (see optional activity below)

1:00-3:30 PM  *Optional—Rock Tour on the Glen Eyrie Property:  Are There Physical Evidences for a Global Flood? (walking shoes and weather appropriate clothing needed)–[Dace Starkweather]

6:00-7:00 PM  DINNER for all guests (eat with the speakers)—[Castle Dining Room]

7:00-8:00 PM Fly You Fools! How Tolkien’s Fiction Reveals the Christian Worldview (and can be an excellent entry point for discussing the Bible)[Darrell Dooyema]

8:00-8:10 Break

8:10-9:00 PM  Open ended session BYOQ bring your own questions session. What are the challenges you are facing from others and what questions do you have about your faith?—[Darrell Dooyema MC]



7:30-8:45 AM  Breakfast for Overnight Guests—[Castle Dining Room]

9:00-10:00 AM The Eye of the Beholder: How Art & Beauty Point Us Toward God—[Darrell Dooyema]

10:00-10:10 Break

10:10-11:15 AM  Part II. Power of the Christian Worldview in the Making of Western Civilization [Chris Green]

11:15 AM  Retreat concludes
