Glen Eyrie Fiction Writer's Retreat
- June 3-6, 2025 Tuesday-Friday
About the Retreat
Glen Eyrie Fiction Writer’s Retreat & Conference: Follow the Nudge.
We’ve probably all been advised to “follow your gut” when it comes to some aspect of our writing. Learning to trust our writing instincts and intuition can be a really good thing. But even better? Learning to recognize—and act on—the little nudges we get from God. How much are we allowing God to influence our writing? Are we writing for Him, or with Him? How might He be training us to follow His nudges in life so that our writing—and Heaven—will be different?
Join us this June as some of the most passionate writers and teachers gather in one of the most gorgeous spots on Earth—to help you write . . . better.
Great workshops in the morning. Free time and ample chances for 1-on-1 time with faculty in the afternoons. An inspirational keynote at night, followed by time to mingle with other writers and faculty. Come to learn. To relax. To build connections. To write. Come to be encouraged and inspired. And most of all, to become even more in tune with the Lord . . . and what He wants to do with your writing.
The conference is limited to 40 attendees—by design. We don’t want you feeling lost in a crowd.
If you’d like to come earlier or stay after your retreat dates, lodging is available at a programs discounted rate. Please call our reservations line at 719-265-7050 for details.
Workshop Descriptions:
- In this “hands on” workshop, participants will take an abstract sentence and work it into a specific paragraph utilizing the five senses. This workshop defines the importance of specifics as well as encouraging the ability of a writer to bring a reader to the reality of a scene. Exciting, active, and creative are three words to adequately describe this one-of-a-kind workshop.
- If you have any confusion about what deep point-of-view is and how to use it to make your story come alive . . . that ends today! We’ll make this clear and simple, and we’ll use lots of examples so you can use deep point-of-view to strengthen your fiction.
- You’ve got the amazing beginning and the beautiful ending to your novel, but as you’re writing, you end up in the swamp of the muddy middle. No worries! This workshop will help you attack those slumping characters, boring side trips, nagging loose ends, and the dreaded exposition blues. Guidance and simple tips that can help in any situation are covered here, so that you can joyfully return to your happy writing place. Be ready to be relieved and rejoicing!
- Any question is fair game. Queries. Proposals. Story pitch. Editing. And I’ll share some things I look for as an agent—and feedback I get from fiction editors looking at manuscripts. Often, we’re not seeing enough showing in the story, and sometimes the story start is backstory heavy. Let’s talk about all that in this session.
- They’ve been called the mini story of every novel, launch pads, and not a place to lose your reader. But what must each scene hold to push the story (and the reader) forward? What questions should you, the writer, ask before writing each scene? In this workshop, Eva Marie goes over the fine details of scene writing and the questions that must be asked before (and after) writing the scene to help you, O Writer of Scenes, become the writer of great (Bring your laptop with your manuscript, a copy of your favorite work of fiction, and be ready to look at a few scenes.)
- Kids are taught to follow rules. To write for them, you should follow some rules too. By learning these do’s and don’ts, you’ll have a better chance of creating fiction stories that will catch an editor’s eye and eventually entertain a child. You’ll find out audience insights and felt needs, writing tips, the use of humor and conflict, and lots more. We’ll also look at the different types of fiction stories that appear in Focus on the Family’s youth periodicals: Clubhouse (for boys and girls 8-12), Clubhouse Jr. (for kids 3-7) and Brio (for teen girls).
Find the full schedule and detailed descriptions here:

Retreat Theme: Follow the Nudge – learning to recognize and act on the little nudges we get from God.
Standard Rooms Double Occupancy
- Price is before tax
- Price assumes 2 people in a room. Total room price is $985. Call our reservations line at 719-265-7050 for pricing on triple or quadruple occupancy.
- These are standard rooms in our Big Horn Lodge, a 3-5 minute walk from the Castle. All meetings will be held in the Carriage House and meals will be served in the Castle.
- Standard rooms contain 2 Queen beds
- This price includes 3 nights’ lodging, 9 meals, snacks, and all conference materials.
Standard Room Single Occupancy
- Price is before tax
- Price assumes 1 person in a room
- These are standard rooms in our Big Horn Lodge, a 3-5 minute walk from the Castle. All meetings will be held in the Carriage House and meals will be served in the Castle.
- Standard rooms contain 2 Queen beds
- This price includes 3 nights’ lodging, 9 meals, snacks, and all conference materials.
Premier King Rooms
- Price is before tax
- Price assumes 1 person in a room. Double occupancy price is $1,249 or $625 per person.
- These rooms are King bed rooms that are located in the Pink House or Eagle’s Nest Premier lodges. All meetings will be held in the Carriage House and meals will be served in the Castle, both a 5-7 minute walk.
- This price includes 3 nights’ lodging, 9 meals, snacks, and all conference materials.
Castle West Wing Rooms
- Price is before tax
- Price assumes 1 person in a room. Double occupancy price is $1,210 or $605 per person.
- These rooms are Queen bed rooms that are located in the West Wing of the Castle. All meetings will be held in the Carriage House and meals will be served in the Castle.
- This price includes 3 nights’ lodging, 9 meals, snacks, and all conference materials.
Commuter Registration
- Price is before tax
- This is for a conference attendee who will not stay overnight at Glen Eyrie
- This price includes all sessions during the conference, 9 meals and all conference materials. (Includes dinner on Tuesday, 3 meals Wednesday and Thursday, breakfast and lunch on Friday)
To make a reservation by phone, please call 719-265-7050
Retreat Leaders

Tim Shoemaker
Tim Shoemaker is the author of over twenty traditionally published books and is a popular speaker at conferences and schools around the country. Over twenty-five years working with youth has helped him relate to his reading and listening audience in unique ways.
His contemporary suspense, Code of Silence, was named in the “Top Ten Crime Novels for Youth” by Booklist.
Currently he is contracted for a non-fiction book for parents of teens, another for young men, and a three-book YA fiction series. He is also actively speaking and coaching writers.
Tim loves writing mystery, adventure, suspense, and thrillers that are clean, powerful, and definitely not “hokey” Christian fiction.
His energetic style of teaching helps make even difficult topics clear. He is all about encouraging and equipping writers to do what they do—better.
Happily married for over forty years, Tim lives in the Chicagoland area near his three sons, daughter-in-laws, and twelve grandkids!

Eva Marie Everson
Eva Marie Everson is an ECPA bestselling and multiple award-winning author and speaker, including an ECPA Gold Medallion. She is a Christy finalist, and a Silver Medallion winner. She has won a Carol, several Maggie and Golden Scroll awards, and an Inspirational Retailers Choice Award. She is one of the original five Word Weavers members, which began in 1997. She served first as the original president (2000-2007) and is now CEO of Word Weavers International, Inc., which serves over 1200 writers primarily as a national and international group of critique and educational chapters.
Eva Marie served as a mentor for the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild for several years and teaches at a number of writers conferences nationwide. During the 2010-2011 school year, Eva Marie served as an adjunct professor at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana. She describes it as one of the best times she ever had while working. Eva Marie also serves as director of Florida Christian Writers Conference and she is the contest director for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, which includes the industry-wide SELAH awards. She also enjoys working as a private writing coach for fiction writers.
In 2022, Eva Marie was awarded the Yvonne Lehman Legacy Award and the AWSA Lifetime Achievement Award. Receiving both, she said, was among the highlights of her career.
She is a double graduate of Andersonville Theological Seminary (graduating magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Exposition) and The Tzemach Institute. Her theological focus has always been the tie between the Testaments with a greater understanding of Christianity’s Jewish roots. Born and reared in Georgia, Eva Marie and her husband make their home in Central Florida where they are owned by one very spoiled cat and two hearts full of grandchildren.

Loretta Oakes
Loretta has been writing for over 25 years, weathering the many tides of publishing. She has five titles published in both the traditional and self-published arenas. Loretta started her career as an engineer for over 15 years, then turned to writing and teaching. She has been an educator for over a decade now, teaching middle schoolers how to read literature and express themselves in writing. She’s been teaching at adult writing conferences, small group venues, and mentoring individual writers for 10 years now. Loretta has been part of the Glen Eyrie Writers Retreat for 14 years, first as a student, then as an organizer and mentor with Nancy Rue, and now as a faculty member and one-on-one coach. Loretta helps writers find their voice and grow in their writing skills. She answers questions about all artistic aspects of their work in progress.

Blythe Daniel
Blythe Daniel is a literary agent, author, and marketer. Her agency markets books through podcasts, blogs, launch teams and traditional media, and represents adult non-fiction and select fiction along with several children’s fiction and non-fiction. Blythe has been the publicity director and marketing director for Nelson Books, now Harper Collins Christian Publishing, and has spent the last 20 years as a literary agent. The agency represents authors primarily in the Christian market. Blythe and her mother, Dr. Helen McIntosh, co-authored Mended: Restoring the Hearts of Mothers and Daughters (Harvest House) and I Love You Mom: Cherished Word Gifts from My Heart to Yours (Tyndale). Blythe and her daughter Calyn co-authored Let’s Be Friends: A Tween Devotional on Finding and Keeping Strong Friendships (Harvest House). Blythe, Helen, and Blythe’s son William co-authored I Love You, Dad: Words to Honor and Humor You (End Game Press). Blythe lives in Colorado with her husband and three teens.

Jesse Florea
Jesse Florea has worked at Focus on the Family for more than 30 years. For most of that time, he served as editor of Focus’ children’s magazines. Today, he’s the editor-in-chief of all Focus publications, including Clubhouse Jr. (ages 3-7), Clubhouse (for kids 8-12), Brio (for teen girls) and the flagship Focus on the Family magazine. He also co-hosts the NRB award-winning “Official Average Boy” podcast with Christian comedian Bob Smiley and the biweekly “Official Adventures in Odyssey” podcast. He has written or co-written more than 50 books, including three Bibles for teens and kids, the Defend Your Faith devotional, the Case for Christ Young Readers edition with Lee Strobel, Average Boy’s Above Average Year, and the Read Again and Again Old and New Testament Bible storybooks. Jesse often speaks at Christian conferences around the country, teaching up-and-coming authors how to write for magazines and children.
Jesse earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in communications from Wheaton College, Ill., while minoring in biblical studies. He lives with his wife, Stephanie, in Colorado Springs and enjoys hanging out with his two grown children, their spouses and his grandchildren.
Glen Eyrie Programs require payment in full at the time of reservation. Reservations cancelled or rescheduled at least 14 days prior to the start date will be charged a 10% fee. Reservations cancelled or rescheduled within 14 days of the start date will be charged a 50% fee. Reservations cancelled within 3 days of the event date will be charged the full amount.
Anyone who is compelled to write. Our speakers will address different stages of writing and publishing, from beginners to those polishing off a manuscript.
Weekend attire is casual and be prepared to do lots of walking on our 700+ acre property. Colorado weather can be unpredictable, so pack layers. And don’t forget to bring your Bible!
Our property contains 95 guest rooms located in 7 buildings, including our historic Castle. None of our rooms have televisions, although free wi-fi is available throughout the property. Rooms contain coffee makers, but no microwaves or refrigerators. These are available for use in each building’s common area. To see pictures of our rooms, visit our website
Please notify us of any allergies or dietary needs in advance. Our Food & Beverage team can accommodate gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan and vegetarian diets with advance notice. We are not a gluten-free certified kitchen, and cross-contamination may occur.
Be prepared to do lots of walking and navigating stairs, as the retreat sessions are in the Carriage House and meals are in the Castle. Please notify us if you will need extra assistance.