Glen Eyrie is undertaking a multi-year upgrade to the Castle to improve our guest experience. Learn more.

Do you have a memory or story from Glen Eyrie you'd like to share? Let us know by submitting the form below and we may share your story in upcoming marketing communications. Thank you!

  • Let us know what Glen Eyrie means to you. Whether Glen Eyrie is a part of your spiritual story, where a great idea was birthed, or was a place where memories were made, we'd love to hear from you!
  • Max. file size: 100 MB.
    If you have any photos you'd like to share to accompany your story, please upload here. If we publish your story, we'll give you credit for your photos as well.
  • By selecting yes, you give Glen Eyrie permission to publish your story, as well as your First Name and Location, in marketing communication including email, the website, and our social media channels.