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The Apprentice Approach Blog & Podcast

The Apprentice Approach

Podcast and Blog

You’re here! You’re READY to make disciples – or maybe you already are! But what do you do now? How do you practically disciple someone? (What do you do when you get together?!) We understand it can feel daunting. We remember what it was like to have a passion to help people but not know how to take the first step. That’s why we want to equip YOU to make a lasting impact through discipleship. Hence, our podcast and blog! In our podcast, you will hear from master disciplemakers how they’re doing it. In our blog, you’ll not only be given practical tools but be walked through how to use each tool as you’re meeting with someone. We’re so excited to be on this journey with you!


009: Are You an Evangelist or a Sower of The Gospel?

Many Christians struggle with making disciples; they feel busy, overwhelmed, and not qualified. We understand this struggle, which is why we’ve created a Bible-based framework so any believer can master the art of disciplemaking.

008 Leading the Next (and Now) Generation of Disciplers

Today we will be speaking with Mark Heffentrager, Director of Camping Ministries for Eagle Lake Camps. Mark has over 21 years of experience with Eagle Lake Camps and has seen generations of campers and counselors impacted by their involvement in this ministry.

005 Living an Available Life

In this second segment with Skip and Buzzie Gray, we look at endurance and how it plays a huge role in living an available life.

004 The Simplicity of Discipleship

Today we begin the first of two episodes with Skip and Buzzie Gray. I believe this will become a great resource for you as Skip brings great humor, yet profound wisdom to disciple-making.

003 Family and Discipleship

People want to enjoy a meaningful, connected and fruitful life following Christ, but they’re discouraged, unequipped, and don’t know where to start.

002 The Importance of Discipleship

We talked last time about the importance of one-on-ones. Talk to us about the importance and the quality of the time you spent with Dawson Trotman (the founder of The Navigators).

001 The Definition of Discipleship

In this first episode, I’m talking with Jim Downing, Navigator #6, who’s been making disciples for almost 80 years. He’s still as committed to making disciples today as he was when he was living through the bombing at Pearl Harbor.


Blog 35: Leadership is a choice, not a rank

This is how disciples choose to lead   Moral philosopher Matha Nussbaum explains that compassion is more than empathy. Empathy allows someone to imagine what the experience of the sufferer

Blog 33 Facing Opposition

Biblical Examples of God’s Calling and the Real Responses of Both Sides Many of our blogs and resources are about helping you develop those you are discipling. But what about

Blog 32 Committing to Commissioning

Most of us know The Great Commission – what most of us still struggle with is understanding what God is calling us to specifically in order to carry that out.

Blog 29 Ministry in Marriage

What does “ministry” look like in marriage? a guest blog post “Marriage Moment” with Terry and Leah Green We think that ministry in marriage begins with a heart of thankfulness

Blog 026 The Art of Invitation

It sounds so simple on the surface, but the art of invitation is an incredibly difficult skill to master, especially if it doesn’t come naturally. As we’ve talked about discipleship,

Blog 013 Go (Home) and Make Disciples

“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” -Mother Theresa School started this week, at least in our community. And as we think about the

Blog 011 Identifying Spiritual Needs

“Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all

Blog 010 Evangelism and Discipleship

“God can use anybody with a willing heart.” —Scott Morton It’s pretty easy to share a coffee, share about your day, and maybe even share some struggles. But what about

Blog 009 Developing Biblical Convictions

“I am not a Christian because God changed my life; I am a Christian because of my convictions about who Jesus Christ is.“ —Josh McDowell It’s a well known secret

Blog 008 The Joy of Scripture Memory

“It’s hard for the flesh to think God thoughts. It’s hard to concentrate on spiritual concepts. The brain doesn’t like to think, especially if it’s on spiritual matters. We like

Blog 007 PRAYER

What if God does not demand prayer as much as gives prayer? What if God wants prayer in order to satisfy us? What if prayer is a means of God

Blog 005: A Good Discipler Asks Questions

“It’s not that they can’t see the solution. They can’t see the problem.” -Father Brown, GK Chesterson’s detective priest a. Spiritual Segue Idea (SSI): How do you handle the negative emotions

Blog 004: Active & Strategic Discipleship

“I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country, which I shall not find till after death;” —C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity “The Christian says, ‘Creatures are not

Blog 003: God’s Best For You

“People ask me sometimes what keeps me going, and in truth it’s selfishness, because I want God’s best. I came to Christ because of the quality of life that these

Blog 002: Who Are Your Friends?

“Being a disciple begins with proper relationship to Jesus Christ and having on your heart what is on His. Making disciples begins with evangelism. As one person put it, the objective in the

Blog 001: An Introduction

“We fall into the error of thinking that happiness necessarily involves ease, diversion, tranquility – a state in which all of one’s wishes are satisfied. For most people, happiness is