The Apprentice Approach Resources
Practical, Bible-based Discipleship Tools for Anyone
We understand it can seem daunting to hear those words, “Go and make disciples.” Most Christians feel busy, overwhelmed, and not qualified. So, when it comes to finding the resources you need to master the art of disciplemaking, we believe it shouldn’t be so difficult!
That’s why we’ve teamed up with dynamic leaders to bring you the best, time-tested, and easily applicable tools for discipleship… all in one place! No more excuses, no more wasted time. It’s time to start experiencing the joy of an invested, fruitful life of disciplemaking today!
Below you’ll find:
- ESTABLISHING Resources to establish your heart as an apprentice to Jesus
- EQUIPPING Resources to equip you to follow Jesus and grow in spiritual maturity
- SENDING Resources to prepare you be a disciple who makes disciplemakers
S.P.E.C.K. is an excellent tool to breathe new life into your time in the Word through practical steps toward application and knowing God! Read the blog behind the tool.
This helpful flowchart will help you see where you are in the disciplemaking process!
Use this tool to establish your convictions about anything and everything in your Christian walk using Biblical principles and passages, and how to pass it on! Read the blog behind the tool here.
The Apprentice Approach Necessary Bookshelf
Our top six picks: books we believe anyone who wants to master the art of disciplemaking should own and share!
D.A.W.G.: How to have a Day Alone With God
Do you want to be more intentional in spending extended time alone with God, but aren’t sure how to start or even why it’s actually important? Check out this great resource!
The Prayer Hand is an easy way to remember five essential aspects of prayer: confession, petition, intercession, thanksgiving and praise. Use this helpful diagram in your personal prayer life or when teaching about prayer to others. Click here for this “classic” Navigator tool. (Scroll to the bottom for the downloadable PDF)
The Word Hand is a simple way to break down five methods of taking in God’s Word: hearing, reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating. Click here for this “classic” Navigator tool. (Scroll to the bottom for the downloadable PDF)
30 Days of Praying the Names & Attributes of God
A great way to keep perspective, stay focused, and live empowered by the Holy Spirit is to pray and meditate on who God is. Click here for this “classic” Navigator tool which includes names, brief descriptions, and Scripture on 30 names of God. (Scroll to the bottom for the downloadable PDF)
Managing Time: A Disciple’s Scorecard
Want that “full” schedule to be full of the fruit of the Holy Spirit? This time management scorecard can help you evaluate your view, use, and management of time. Ready to experience an eternally significant schedule? Read the blog behind the tool here.
This tool is a simple yet significant way to move toward transformation. Walking through the questions “What?” “So What?” and “Now What?” you (or those you are discipling) can process experiences, insight, or new-found truth in an engaging way that fosters transference.
This chart, “Spiritual Maturity Profile,” by Ron Bennett offers Biblical indicators that serve as a starting point for evaluating where you (or your apprentice) are in the spiritual maturing process and what it looks like to mature into the next level in discipleship toward Jesus.
Leadership is more than what you do, it’s about who you are and, more importantly, who you follow. This infographic highlights who leaders are, what they do, and why they do it. (Includes scripture references!) To read the corresponding blog, click here.
You may know how to initiate conversation and ask open-ended questions, but what about the follow-up? This resource provides you with questions that keep the conversation going, and more importantly, keep it going deeper. Read the corresponding blog here.
How to Have a Hard Conversation, 2pages
If we’re going to live successfully out of The Relational Covenant, it’s essential we Talk to, Not About! But HOW do we start those often-times hard conversations? This tool helps you start down the path to successful communication! Read the blog behind the tool here.
7 Questions to Start a Discipleship Conversation
Do you struggle to move a conversation into deeper spiritual levels when meeting with someone? Check out these 7 great conversation starters with suggestions for how each can turn into a spiritual segue to move your discipleship conversations to deeper levels! Read the blog behind the tool here.
One of the best things you can do to give the person you are discipling the means to walk with God for a lifetime is to help them accurately view God’s character, which often means transforming the way we think about Him. Check out this tool to get you and your apprentice started!
7 Ways to Pray with your Disciple
Prayer is one of the most powerful tools we’ve been given and is one of the best ways you can equip your apprentice in his/her spiritual life – don’t get stuck in a prayer rut! Check out these 7 ways to revive your prayer life and equip your apprentice in strong, life-giving, God-glorifying prayers. Read the blog behind the tool here.
Scripture Memory Infograph, 2pages
Scripture Memory is one of those spiritual disciplines no one likes to talk about or encourage others in because we ALL struggle with it! This resource encourages us to keep trying as we, together with the person we disciple, learn the true joys of memorizing God’s Word! Read the blog behind the tool here.
Each part of The Wheel illustration represents a crucial component of a vibrant Christian life. It’s a simple, effective way to visually explain a God-glorifying life to someone you’re discipling. Sharing can be as simple as drawing it out on a napkin or notepad. Click here for this “classic” Navigator tool. (Scroll to the bottom for the downloadable PDF)
This tool helps you make the shift from merely teaching information to actually equipping the person you’re discipling to be ready to make disciples. Read the corresponding blog here.
3 Essentials for a Healthy Discipleship Relationship
Are you ready to make disciples but aren’t sure what to do? Check out this helpful infographic that highlights the three essential elements to any healthy disciplemaking relationship!
Need a helpful layout that will help you equip the person you are discipling in the areas they are ready to grow in? Check out this helpful tool!
Being My Spouse’s Neighbor: A Reflection Exercise
What happens when we apply Galatians 5:13-14 to every aspect of our life, including our marriage? This tool provides a reflection exercise to help you apply Galatians 5:13-14 to your closest neighbor – your spouse. Read the corresponding blog “Ministry in Marriage” here.
Great for parents! Check out Eagle Lake Camps of the Navigators’ method of determining spiritual needs! This model provides an overarching view of discipleship, and equips you to identify where a person is at spiritually and then teach them the tools they need to grow.
Another great parenting tool, this card walks parents (physical or spiritual) through strategic Scripture to pray over their children, and provides thoughtful, introspective questions to help parents evaluate their hearts. Read the blog behind the tool here.
The Bridge to Life can help you share a simple explanation of the Gospel message to anyone. Click here for this “classic” Navigator tool. (Scroll to the bottom for the downloadable PDF)
Preparing Your Testimony is a great, Bible-based, “classic” Navigator tool to help you think through and prepare the most important aspects of sharing your faith. (Scroll to the bottom for the downloadable PDF)