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002 The Importance of Discipleship

We talked last time about the importance of one-on-ones. Talk to us about the importance and the quality of the time you spent with Dawson Trotman (the founder of The Navigators).

Blog 002: Who Are Your Friends?

“Being a disciple begins with proper relationship to Jesus Christ and having on your heart what is on His. Making disciples begins with evangelism. As one person put it, the objective in the Christian life is to populate Heaven and depopulate Hell. . . . Underlying [Jesus’ example in John 4] is an important lesson for every aspiring … Read more

001 The Definition of Discipleship

In this first episode, I’m talking with Jim Downing, Navigator #6, who’s been making disciples for almost 80 years. He’s still as committed to making disciples today as he was when he was living through the bombing at Pearl Harbor.

Blog 001: An Introduction

“We fall into the error of thinking that happiness necessarily involves ease, diversion, tranquility – a state in which all of one’s wishes are satisfied. For most people, happiness is not to be found in this vegetative state but in striving toward meaningful goals. The dedicated person has not achieved all of his goals. His life … Read more