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Podcast 012: The “How’s” of Reaching and Discipling Millennials and Gen Z with Abby Anderson

Learn how to develop relationships (through consistent commitment) that can bear the weight of truth and the hard parts of life; how to invite these generations into deeper development and growth; and, how to win people to Christ, not ourselves… and so much more in this second episode focused on Millennials and Gen Z. Jack: Welcome to the Apprentice Approach Podcast … Read more

Blog 026 The Art of Invitation

It sounds so simple on the surface, but the art of invitation is an incredibly difficult skill to master, especially if it doesn’t come naturally. As we’ve talked about discipleship, especially in discipling Millennials and Gen Z-ers, we’ve mentioned repeatedly the importance of approaching and initiating with an invitation. And repeatedly, we’ve been asked, “How?” … Read more

Podcast 011 “Foundational Truths You Need to Know About Gen Z and Millennials (from a “we” perspective)”

POST SCRIPT: We experienced technical difficulties during the recording of this podcast. Thanks for your patience when things are noticeably re-recorded and overlaid; and, thanks for understanding that this whole disciplemaking thing really is about doing “real life” with people… even when mics mess up! Welcome to the Apprentice Approach Podcast Episode 011, where the … Read more