
Glen Eyrie is undertaking a multi-year upgrade to the Castle to improve our guest experience. Learn more.

Blog 010 Evangelism and Discipleship

“God can use anybody with a willing heart.” —Scott Morton It’s pretty easy to share a coffee, share about your day, and maybe even share some struggles. But what about sharing your faith? Do discipleship and evangelism really go together? We have the honor of hearing some thoughts on evangelism and discipleship from speaker, leader … Read more

Blog 009 Developing Biblical Convictions

“I am not a Christian because God changed my life; I am a Christian because of my convictions about who Jesus Christ is.“ —Josh McDowell It’s a well known secret in teaching circles that if students don’t understand the “why” behind a concept — and more importantly, if they’re not the ones figuring out that … Read more

Blog 008 The Joy of Scripture Memory

“It’s hard for the flesh to think God thoughts. It’s hard to concentrate on spiritual concepts. The brain doesn’t like to think, especially if it’s on spiritual matters. We like to sit down in a nice, soft chair in a cool breeze and float to heaven on a flowery bed of ease. I’m that way … Read more