
Glen Eyrie is undertaking a multi-year upgrade to the Castle to improve our guest experience. Learn more.

Blog 34 The Transformational Pattern of Discipleship

A Guest Blog Post by Ron Bennett To read the full, original post “The Pattern of Discipleship,” click here. “And do not be conformed (external) to this world, but be transformed (internal) by the renewing of your mind…” (Romans 12:2). Conformation is the external (behavior) imitation while transformation is the inner (heart and mind) reformation. … Read more

Blog 33 Facing Opposition

Biblical Examples of God’s Calling and the Real Responses of Both Sides Many of our blogs and resources are about helping you develop those you are discipling. But what about YOU? What happens when we (as disciplemakers) face challenge or opposition with those we’re discipling? Does God provide insight into how we should respond when … Read more