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Blog 017 The Relational Covenant: Stand Shoulder-to-Shoulder (Part 2)

The Relational Covenant: 1. Stand Shoulder-to-Shoulder 2. Believe the Best 3. Talk To, Not About A special series by Jack McQueeney, Executive Director of the Glen Eyrie Group We’re back with the next part in our blog series, The Relational Covenant! To read the introduction to this series, please click here. To read Believe the … Read more

Blog 016 The Relational Covenant: Stand Shoulder to Shoulder (Part 1)

The Relational Covenant: 1. Stand Shoulder-to-Shoulder 2. Believe the Best 3. Talk To, Not About   A special post by Jack McQueeney, Executive Director of the Glen Eyrie Group Today we’re thrilled to break down the cornerstone of The Relational Covenant: Standing Shoulder-to-Shoulder. This week’s post breaks down exactly what it means to stand shoulder-to-shoulder … Read more

Blog 015 The Relational Covenant: An Introduction

The Relational Covenant: 1. Stand Shoulder-to-Shoulder 2. Believe the Best 3. Talk To, Not About A special series by Jack McQueeney, Executive Director of the Glen Eyrie Group The Apprentice Approach is a joint discipleship initiative of Glen Eyrie Conference Center and Eagle Lake Camps. Why is this important? Because everything we do flows from … Read more