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Blog 36: Spiritual Grandparenting by Jack McQueeney

“You don’t really know how well you are at parenting until you see the third generation.” – Jerry White     Psalm 78:3-4 says, “For he issued his laws to Jacob; he gave his instructions to Israel. He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, so the next generation might know them–even the children … Read more

Blog 35: Leadership is a choice, not a rank

This is how disciples choose to lead   Moral philosopher Matha Nussbaum explains that compassion is more than empathy. Empathy allows someone to imagine what the experience of the sufferer might be like, but compassion goes beyond empathy. Compassion characterized Jesus’s earthly ministry, leading him time and time again to heal or help those suffering. … Read more

Blog 34 The Transformational Pattern of Discipleship

A Guest Blog Post by Ron Bennett To read the full, original post “The Pattern of Discipleship,” click here. “And do not be conformed (external) to this world, but be transformed (internal) by the renewing of your mind…” (Romans 12:2). Conformation is the external (behavior) imitation while transformation is the inner (heart and mind) reformation. … Read more

Blog 33 Facing Opposition

Biblical Examples of God’s Calling and the Real Responses of Both Sides Many of our blogs and resources are about helping you develop those you are discipling. But what about YOU? What happens when we (as disciplemakers) face challenge or opposition with those we’re discipling? Does God provide insight into how we should respond when … Read more

Blog 32 Committing to Commissioning

Most of us know The Great Commission – what most of us still struggle with is understanding what God is calling us to specifically in order to carry that out. We want to make disciples, but sometimes it’s tricky to know where we should truly invest ourselves to move the Kingdom forward. Thankfully, God is … Read more

Blog 30 On Marriage, Disciplemaking and “the Disciplines” with Leah Green

We asked Leah Green, wife, mother, great-grandmother and co-leader of Marriage GetAway, all the discipleship questions you’ve been looking for real-life answers to! We have the great privilege to hear from a master disciplemaker today, Leah Green on the topics of disciplemaking and “the disciplines” in the context of marriage. Leah and her husband Terry … Read more

Blog 29 Ministry in Marriage

What does “ministry” look like in marriage? a guest blog post “Marriage Moment” with Terry and Leah Green We think that ministry in marriage begins with a heart of thankfulness for the life partner we entered into covenant relationship with when we vowed to take him or her for better or worse, in sickness or … Read more

Blog 026 The Art of Invitation

It sounds so simple on the surface, but the art of invitation is an incredibly difficult skill to master, especially if it doesn’t come naturally. As we’ve talked about discipleship, especially in discipling Millennials and Gen Z-ers, we’ve mentioned repeatedly the importance of approaching and initiating with an invitation. And repeatedly, we’ve been asked, “How?” … Read more

Blog 017 The Relational Covenant: Stand Shoulder-to-Shoulder (Part 2)

The Relational Covenant: 1. Stand Shoulder-to-Shoulder 2. Believe the Best 3. Talk To, Not About A special series by Jack McQueeney, Executive Director of the Glen Eyrie Group We’re back with the next part in our blog series, The Relational Covenant! To read the introduction to this series, please click here. To read Believe the … Read more